contact royal

Drop us a line

Interested in a stay at Royal? Simply fill out the form below and we will get back to you.

Contact Information


Lower Zambezi National Park
00002 Mafuta

Please download our rates sheet using the button below.


Please contact us to see if there are any Job Vacancies available.

[email protected]

Check In 2pm - Check Out 10am

If you are departing in the afternoon, please note that the latest checkout time from the room is 10am, unless you have pre-paid a late checkout fee to keep the room for the day.

If you are departing by plane:

  1. Final extras invoice and admin completed at the main building with management 1.5
    hours before your flight departure time. This would be 1 hour before you leave Royal
    Zambezi by vehicle to catch your flight.
  2. Your room hand will collect your luggage from your suite 1 hour before your flight
    departure time. This would be 30 mins before you leave Royal Zambezi to go to the
    airstrip. This ensures that our team can check that nothing is left behind and the bags
    are taken to the airstrip on time.
  3. Depart from Royal Zambezi 30 mins prior to you flight departure time. Please be
    mindful when having breakfast/lunch/bathroom breaks and checkouts that these must all
    be completed and you are ready to depart Royal Zambezi 30 mins before your flight
    departure time. The guide who will take you to the airstrip will meet you in the main

An example: If your flight is at 10.00am then you will settle the final invoice at 08.30am in the main building, your bags will be collected from your room at 09.00am and then you will depart Royal Zambezi at 09.30am to meet your flight.

If you are departing by boat transfer or vehicle:

  1. Final extras invoice and admin completed at the main building with management 1
    hour before your departure time.
  2. Bags ready to be collected from your suite 30 mins before your departure time.
    This ensures that our team can check that nothing is left behind and the bags are
    taken to the airstrip on time.

An example: If your boat/vehicle is departing at 10.00am then you will settle the final invoice at
09.00am in the main building and your bags will be collected from your room at 09.30am.

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